AGM 2020
The Red Lion Hotel, Sheffield Road
Todwick S26 1DJ
on Sunday 5th April 2020 at 11.00 am
Tea & coffee will be served on arrival from 10.30am
Agenda – To be advised
Items for the Agenda duly proposed & seconded by fully paid up members should be in the hands of the Secretary at the address given below no later than 12.00 Noon on Friday 6 th March 2020
Hon. Secretary:
Mrs Trish Eldridge:
1, Holly Hayes Road,
Whitwick, Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 5GG
The Red Lion Hotel, Sheffield Road
Todwick S26 1DJ
on Sunday 5th April 2020 at 11.00 am
Tea & coffee will be served on arrival from 10.30am
Agenda – To be advised
Items for the Agenda duly proposed & seconded by fully paid up members should be in the hands of the Secretary at the address given below no later than 12.00 Noon on Friday 6 th March 2020
Hon. Secretary:
Mrs Trish Eldridge:
1, Holly Hayes Road,
Whitwick, Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 5GG